Sunday 28 October 2007

Genesis 1

The words of Genesis 1 have become challenging to believers and unbelievers alike. For Christians, I believe the seven days of creation demand prayerful reflection rather than fruitless speculation.

Genesis 1 is a tightly written, orderly portion of scripture. It paints a large picture showing God’s complete separateness from His creation, His creation of it in its entirety and the particulars of God’s formation and filling of the Earth in six days.

Christians hold the doctrine of the Trinity to be true and together with the writers of the Nicene Creed affirm that creation is the work of the Father, by the Son and that the giver of life is the Spirit. Evangelical Christians believe the Bible is the word of God, written through men and what is written is inerrant, sufficient and complete. The Bible holds all we need to know for salvation and at each stage of its writing was sufficient for salvation. The Nicene Creed summarises what is revealed by the Christian Bible about creation. In Genesis 1 the reader is told nothing about the creation of the Earth or the waters that already cover it on day one. But what the Bible says is all we need to know for God’s purpose that we glorify him and enjoy him for ever.

Read the whole article at

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