Friday 6 August 2010


In the creation, people are given God’s image. All humanity was to rest with God, God is to dwell with his people; the Word, the Son, would become flesh.
The Son, the eternal expression of the Father’s love, perfects love in taking on flesh. God takes the form of a servant within creation and glorifies his nature. God limits his nature to become a man, from conception, to baby to mature manhood; God, the LORD, had a mother.
The purpose of creation is that God is glorified in all his being and that he may dwell eternally with people in a relationship of love. Our purpose, our delight, is to worship and glorify him for ever; to love him eternally.
Man was given dominion over the creation under God; Adam was given free will to obey God and participate in the eternal love of God. This is revealed in Christ who states that for those restored to this original purpose, the love of God for his people is the same love as that of the Father for the Son (John 17:23).
God’s act of creation is an act of meekness on the part of the all powerful God; God humbles himself so that his love might be glorified. Self giving love, the ultimate expression of love, is poured out of the Trinity into the otherness of a good creation.

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