Thursday, 19 August 2010

Our History

Adam had dominion over creation and we, as his heirs, do so also. We are given the breath of life and bear the Image of God. No angel bears this image and no angel has the breath of life. We share our breath with the all life and we share the command to be fruitful and multiply.
Freedom is spoken into creation, the seas are to swarm, the soil is to produce and man is to obey. God’s providence is that he works his infinite creativity into forming history. He is sovereign, as each moment is his making and, in its completeness, each act is good.
Adam, the man commanded to obey, disobeys. He loses his freewill and his dominion falls from goodness. Creation now groans under its subjection to sin. God creates all things good but the whole of creation is subject to futility and suffering through the disobedience of Adam (Romans 8:20). The purpose of this is that God’s grace is glorified.
Angels were created heavenly beings. They were to work God’s will in the creation, to serve it and form it. Satan, an evil angel, tested Adam through Eve and because Adam listened to Satan, Adam sinned; he did not trust God or obey him and creation descended into futility for his sake.
Creation was subject to futility for the sake of Adam. Adam was cast out of the garden so that he might know salvation. Experiencing the futility of sin, Adam is able to repent and choose to follow God. This now is creation’s purpose; its purpose becomes that God will dwell in the midst of his people eternally as they are saved to life in Christ from the consequences of sin in Adam which is death. Creation’s fallen purpose is to reveal the wrath of God against sin.
Through Adam and for Adam’ sake creation is subject to the futility of sin and death. Adam turned from the Word of God and acted on the deception of Satan. For freedom God created Adam; to do evil is not a free act. Satan is bound to act contrary to God’s will because of his selfish rebellion; he is enslaved by his own rebelliousness.
God is compassion and God is a consuming fire. He is a jealous God. He is holy and knows no evil and so Adam is thrown from God’s presence so that grace might bring him back. Adam, in his sin, is dead to God, separate from his mercy, subject to judgement; he can only bring glory to God in his death.
Only faith in the God of mercy can save him. God gave life, he will not take this gift back and he will secure a way back (2 Samuel 14:14). We see God’s faithfulness to his gift of life throughout the scriptures, for example in the cities of refuge (Numbers 35:15) and Jesus parables we see God’s heart for the lost.
God is a compassionate God and a consuming fire. His judgement is to refine and purify; his wrath is against sinful creation and Adam, because his purpose is that he will dwell with his people in his creation and they will be free. His love cannot leave Adam eternally separated from him, his holiness cannot allow Adam in his sin into his presence. Creation as we observe it is under God’s curse, justly subject to futility and ruled by death. We are separate from God because of our sin and only his righteousness can save us.
We are all bound to an eternity separate from God and a short life on this earth subject to futility because of sin. God’s purpose is to dwell on the earth with his people and his holy fire will consume all that is not holy to fulfil this purpose of creation (Matthew 3:11-12).
Love flows without measure in God and this love flows to creation perfecting as it flows; sin breaks this flow. Sin directs love to self. God pours wrath on the sinner. The merciful God who gives life provides a way for love to flow once more. (Romans 5)

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